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GAMEDAY: GSK - Vänersborg
8 jan 2023
I eftermiddag gästar Vänersborg Gislaved och Gislerinken med matchstart 16:00.
Matchens profil är ingen mindre än Ilya Zheltakov.
-My name is Ilia Zheltakov, 21 years. I was born in small town Iskitim in Siberia, Russia and at 15 years old moved to Saint-Petersburg. This is my second year with GSK, i’m studying business analytics and economics at Saint-Petersburg state university.
I think this season has been going pretty good for me, but you always have something to work with if you want reach the next level.
We are in pretty tough situation at the moment but I believe that we can go through these times as a team and big wins waiting us ahead. After some changes feels like team got the second breathe and fire in the eyes. So we gonna work as much as we can to make happy ourselves and our fans for the rest of the season.
Don’t know much about opponents, just remember from preseason when we were facing them that they are offensive team with couple of skilled players.
I think we need to play confidence, use our potential and strongest sides of plays and the most important enjoy to play hockey!